Well Hello!

I have been MIA from this blog for quite a few months. A very deliberate move on my part. I am SHIFTING. I am GROWING. I am EVOLVING. Like with any job, sometimes you recognize when you have outgrown your position and it is time to move on to the next opportunity. So I am giving myself permission to explore then next phase with photography! Giving myself a "promotion" of sorts LOL.

My original purpose with this blog and website in 2017 was to share current work from client sessions. Fast forward to 2022 and I have come to the realization that I have quickly outgrown my own platform!! Which is a blessing. If this was my full time job I would be thrilled with the amount of inquiries I have received from both new and returning clients wanting to book photography sessions. In the first few months of 2022 I received more inquires than I had total sessions in 2021. All with no advertising whatsoever! Each year I have grown and grown and grown. AMAZING. It has been a dream! I am humbled that people have their choice of many photographers in the area and still chose ME to photograph their families and their milestones. So thank you, that is a huge compliment and something that I do not take for granted!!

When it comes down to it, what started as a cute blog and side hustle in 2017 has morphed into what I would imagine would be a very busy business in 2022. Could I make it work? Yes. Would other areas of my life also suffer? Also yes. Again, this is very much a side hobby and passion for me, not a full time job--I have one of those already as a PA in surgical dermatology :) I've spent some time reflecting on where I go from here, I am learning more and more that what I value most is TIME. Time with loved ones. Time for myself. Time for stillness. Time for being in the moment. I am told everyday that "it goes by fast" and "enjoy every moment" and "they will be off to college before you know it." Ultimately, we are all in charge of how we choose to spend our time--I just have to figure out how to make photography a sustainable part of it. Saying yes to alllll the clients is just not the answer for now.

So this is me, giving myself permission to explore the next opportunity. Choosing to spend my free time doing things I love which does include photography, just in a new capacity that I am trying to figure out. I foresee being less focused on photographing clients and more focused on photographing things/people/places that inspire ME. Allowing photography to be a high quality leisure activity without any deadlines or expectations. Perhaps more of the everyday sticky fingers, stained clothes, and messy hair photos of my kids--not making everything "picture prefect." Perhaps more of the dinner creations my husband whips up on the grill. Perhaps more of the places I go and spaces I find beautiful. Just picking up my camera more in my everyday life and making it a habit to lug it along with the diaper bag and see what I can create. The possibilities are endless and I'm feeling inspired.

I am grateful for all of you! Again, it still blows my mind that people see my work and choose ME. I hope you still continue to photograph your families with other local photographers and capture life's milestones. And I hope you continue to follow along as I continue to learn and grow in my craft!

Thanks for reading and thanks for your support!
