This is probably a very Millennial type problem, but it's one I have been mulling over.

I'm part of this generation who grew up without internet but now is part of an entire society that is likely unable to exist without it. As kids, stories about our lives were shared by our parents talking to other parents on the sidelines at sporting events. School and vacation pictures were printed and shared with grandparents and aunts and uncles who passed them around at birthday parties and holiday gatherings. Nothing was floating online in cyberspace for just about anyone to see.

So now, as a lot of other people in my generation have entered parenthood, I feel like I'm in such a weird position to want to share but, then again, not overshare things about my kids online. How much information is too much information? Where will these words and these photos end up? Who would read this and use it maliciously against me or my kids at some point in time? Crazy thoughts, but things that I really have to think about to protect my family. And in reality, my generation is the first to have to figure this out!

I always ask clients if it is okay for me to share their photos on my blog or on my Instagram. But kids don't have a say so yet. It's a really crazy scenario. It's almost silly honestly. Something so trivial that has the potential to become so life altering in the wrong hands. I want to keep blogging because I genuinely love talking and sharing about my family--it's a great way to stay connected to family and friends we don't see often--but it's going to have to be super intentional.

Social media is a whole other dilemma. I always tell my friends and family that I "suck" at social media. I love to catch up and see what other people are doing on their vacations and in everyday life. And I do love being able to share snippets of my life as well. But I am not the type of person to be at an event and have my phone out taking pictures and videos. I like to soak it all in. Take photos intentionally. And then post everything later or in a photo dump or little blog update for those who want to know what we've been up to. Now if my kids or husband are doing something hilarious and embarrassing then by all means, let me get out my phone and start videoing LOL. As with anything in life, moderation is key.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I want to be more mindful with what I am posting and sharing. I'm not saying I am giving up social media, my blog, or my website by any means. I will continue to share updates and things that have worked for my family and milestones that my kids are going through. But know that if I'm being vague, it's for a reason. Not because I don't want to disclose information, but that I don't want to disclose it publicly for literally anyone to have access to. With that being said, if you'd like to know more about any of the scenarios that I talk about on this blog, please feel free to reach out to me personally, I'd be happy to help if I can.

To everyone else maneuvering this weird social scenario, I get it! It's a small thing to worry about, but something we unfortunately have to keep in mind this day in age.
