Yes, you read that right!

We are so thrilled to be sharing that we are expecting our second child in April of 2021! And drum roll......IT'S A BOY :) :) :)

I honestly cannot believe how FAST this pregnancy is flying by. I suppose I don't have as much free time this pregnancy compared to last time seeing as how I am entertaining and chasing a toddler around during what used to be my "free time" in the evenings and on the weekends.

I am so excited to see how Braylon responds to becoming a big brother. We tell him that mommy has a baby in her belly and he picks up my shirt to look and see which is adorable. I hope they grow up to be the best of buds. I am excited for him to have a sibling to play with and I'm sure get into loads of trouble with.

I have physically been feeling pretty good this pregnancy. Pretty similar to my last pregnancy at this point. Hoping for a continued healthy journey for all of us.

Will update again later on, but for now, I just wanted to share our exciting news. Thanks for you love and support :) :) :)
