I will forever love the newborn portraits of my boys.

There is so much pride I have in these images. Knowing that I created this small tiny human and also created these images is so special to me. These portraits of Jordy will always hold a special place in my heart, just like the newborn images I took of Braylon two years ago. There is something about the peacefulness of newborn photographs that is so beautiful. They are literally some of my favorite images of all time.

I took these when Jordy was 7 days old. I know how busy and tiring those first few days and weeks are with life with a new baby. I applied the hacks from this post to help make sure things went as smoothly as possible so I could knock this project out without too many hiccups. And it went great, the resulting images are proof :)

Newborn portraits are always more challenging and therefore more rewarding in my opinion. It took me a couple of hours to do these portraits because I took my time and took plenty of breaks for myself and for nursing when needed. No need to rush. Both Jordy and Braylon's newborn sessions will always be so special to me as a mom and as a photographer.

Aside from getting the formal newborn portraits, I also wanted a family portrait and portraits of just the boys. I know it was a lot to do all in one day so I spread it out and did family photos the next day and portraits of just the boys the next day. That's the beauty of having a camera!

I cannot love these photos more! Thanks for reading and following along, I will be sure to keep taking photos of my sweet family and will share along the way :)
