Meet Jordy Camden Bush!

Jordy was born 10 days early on March 27, 2021. He was a healthy 7lbs 12oz and 20 inches long. I really was shocked I went into labor early, I don't know why. My older son born 1 day before his due date so I was mentally prepared to keep going a couple more weeks. I think every pregnant woman can agree that those last few weeks of pregnancy are tough just with the uncertainty of when things are going to happen. But he came when he was ready, and I am so thankful for a uncomplicated pregnancy, labor, and delivery. Here's the short version of the happenings of that day:

I went into labor eerily similar to how things happened with my first pregnancy--both times I had painful contractions that woke me from my sleep around 1 am. My first labor was 12 hours and my doctor had advised me that things happen quicker with subsequent pregnancies and not to mess around and be one of those women who ends up delivering her baby in the car. I timed the contractions to make sure they weren't subsiding before I woke up Josh around 2:30am. I told him it was the real deal, the contractions were a minute long and 5 minutes apart. We got our stuff together and loaded into the car. Josh woke up Braylon who was surprisingly very chipper for 3:15am. We dropped him off at our daycare provider's house--such a blessing--and we went to the hospital.

We checked into labor and delivery around 4:30am and I was thankfully 4cm dilated which confirmed this was no false alarm. My contractions and pain were still bearable but were getting closer together. Around 7am, I was 7cm dilated and the doctor broke my water. Just like last time, this really amped up the contractions and pain. I had the intention to deliver naturally and unmedicated again like I did with my first pregnancy (you can read about Braylon's birth story here). Again, this was the most intense experience I have ever been through. Thank goodness for Josh, he was a complete rock and supported me through everything. I think I felt every emotion humanly possible those next 2 hours of labor. Getting from 7 to 10cm is no joke. Natural childbirth probably isn't the right choice for everyone, but it seems to be the right choice for me. I trusted my body and trusted the process and Jordy was born at 9:10 am. The most amazing moment!! :) :)

I am so relieved to have another healthy little boy. The post birth feeling of bliss mixed with relief mixed with gratitude is one I will never forget. Totally cliché but I am completely blessed to have such textbook labors and deliveries with both of my boys. I am thankful no one had any complications and we all recovered quickly. Quickly enough that both Jordy and I were cleared to be discharged just 1 day after he was born--in time to get home to be with Braylon on his birthday. Yes, you read that right, Braylon was born on March 28!! So we will have a fun time celebrating these two back to back birthday boys with joint parties in the future :)

Before we left the hospital I was sure to grab some "Fresh 48" shots/"Fresh 24" shots in our case. I have missed doing these types of sessions as a photographer, but because of Covid there are no "extra" people like visitors and photographers allowed in hospitals. Needless to say I am thankful that I have this skill of photography to be able to photograph the milestones within my own family. It is truly something I am passionate about and love doing. I absolutely love the images I gathered from this experience, they will alway mean so much to me.

We have been home for a couple of weeks now and we are kind of getting into a nice routine? Everyday is different and some days are more challenging than others. But overall, I am very impressed with how everyone has responded to our newest addition. Braylon has been the absolute MVP of big brothers. He has been so loving and sweet. There are times he gets frustrated that I can't play all the time but he seems pretty understanding of the baby's time to eat. Are there are days where my patience is tested? Absolutely. Are there days where nothing gets done and screen time is way past the recommended guidelines? You bet. But I am trying my best to keep things in perspective, understanding that is is all just a temporary phase in the grand scheme of things. From what I am told, it all goes by too quickly so I'm trying to savor the good days and let the rough days slide. I hope to keep sharing photos and stories along the way.

Thanks for reading,


PS. here is Braylon meeting Jordy for the first time. Too stinking cute :) :) :)