I wanted to give some tips and instructions on how to prep for your newborn session with today’s post. Keep in mind, there are two styles of newborn photography sessions: formal vs. lifestyle. Which style you prefer is totally up to you, here are the main differences:

A formal newborn portrait session includes the cute posed photographs of your baby with very minimal accessorizing—your baby is the star! A posed newborn portrait session is best when baby is less than 2 weeks old. This is when they are still very sleepy and moldable into the adorable curled up poses.  

A lifestyle newborn session captures the interaction of your family’s dynamic in a more natural, unposed fashion.  This type of session should be used when your baby is older than 2 weeks old since they will not be as pliable for posing.  Of course a lifestyle newborn session can be done when your baby is less than 2 weeks old and you prefer the more natural style of lifestyle photography.  

Regardless of which type of session you choose, these photos turn out best if your baby is nice and sleepy. And I’m aware that getting a newborn to sleep is sometimes easier said than done! Here are some helpful tips to help make sure your baby is sleepy and stays comfortable: 

-SAFETY: First, you should know that your baby’s safety is my top priority. Nothing will be done to jeopardize that. 

-TIME: I recommend mid morning for these types of sessions. Babies tend to be more sleepy in the mornings and more predictable with their feeding/napping routines during this time. If your baby is on a predictable routine, let me know what time he/she tends to go down for a morning nap and we will plan to start during that window of time. 

-ACTIVITY: Please try to keep your baby awake for 1-2 hours before I arrive. I know, it might sound like torture to already sleep deprived parents but keeping him/her awake before the session starts helps ensure he/she will be sleepy for the photos.

-FEEDING: Please feed your baby about 30 minutes before the session starts. We want him/her nice and milk drunk. We might need to take breaks during the session for him/her to feed and that is perfectly okay and expected!

-TEMPERATURE: Babies have a difficult time regulating their own body temperature. Some newborn photography involves the baby being naked so to keep your baby comfortable with no clothing, I recommend you crank the heat up to about 80 degrees 30 minutes before I arrive so he/she can stay nice and warm. A space heater will also do the trick. It will mean that the rest of us get hot but it also means that your baby is comfortable and sleepy. 

-CLOTHING: To start, please have your baby in a loose diaper (prevents red imprints) and something easy to take off in case she is already asleep when I arrive. If you have specific props/headbands/outfits/toys you would like him/her to be photographed with please have them easily accessible. 

-POTTY: I completely expect to get pooped and/or peed on, please don’t feel bad but have wipes/towels handy 

-PARENTS: You can wear whatever you’d like for the family shots, something you’re comfortable in of course! Most importantly, relax and have fun, this should be an enjoyable day for you! You can expect for the session to be at least 2 hours, perhaps longer if we need frequent breaks for consoling/feeding. 

I hope this helps as you prepare for your newborn session. Let me know if you have any questions!
