Birthday Palooza!

If you know me or have been following along for a while, you know March Madness takes on a literal depiction in our house. In March, it is my husband's birthday, followed by our wedding anniversary, then Jordy's birthday, then Braylon's birthday. It is a FUN month. I try to celebrate things in a special manner, but also keep it low key. For birthdays this year we had all the yummy sweets and treats. The boys are still working through food allergies so I know all the tips and tricks on how to bake for food allergies after a few years of experience with it. Braylon requested donuts and Jordy requested cupcakes. So I made one batch of batter go far by using food coloring to dye things blue for Braylon and orange for Jordy. Don't tell the kids, but the donuts are the exact same as the cupcakes, just baked in donut pans. Easy hack and makes me look like the world's best Mom in their eyes! I can go on and on about how to bake for allergies....maybe in another post? Never say never.

Jordy is 2!

Jordy is so tough on the exterior, but is really just the sweetest on the inside. He is 100000% a momma's boy. There is no stopping him physically, he is adventurous and strong. He loves to run, jump, and DANCE. He seems to love music. He loves building with magnatiles. He enjoys anything to do with cars, trucks, airplanes, Mickey Mouse, and Spiderman. His vocabulary and language are starting to take off. It's easy to sit back and not talk when you have a big brother who is able to take care of the talking for you :) But his communication is really doing great, he can sing ABCs and count to 10+. He is doing well in school and really is just a really easy-going kiddo!

Braylon is 4!

Braylon is incredibly smart, but he is also a huge goofball! He says when he grows up he wants to be a doctor (that's my son!!). He is not as physically adventurous as his little brother--he is a little more cautious before trying new things. But once his hesitation wears off, he has the time of his life. So he requires a little extra encouragement with some things. He is doing great at school and started playing soccer this spring which he enjoys. He loves to go exploring on walking or hiking trails. He also loves to build with magnatiles and has been really getting into legos lately. He loves racecars, monster trucks, Toy Story, and Spiderman. He is an opinionated and inquisitive 4 year old with no shortage or questions and curiosity.

Other life updates

We moved into our new home about 2 months ago and we are taking our time getting settled into our new home. Phase 1 was to physically move. That is finished of course. Phase 2 was unpack. That is 99% complete. Phase 3 furnish. That has been fun and is mostly done--I think. Phase 4 would be organize. Which the Virgo in me loves! Phase 5 is style. I am dabbling in this phase as we speak. I am okay with this part taking time. I want our home to feel curated and feel like "us" and don't want to rush it! Phase 6 is design. I have not tackled DIY projects in the past but want to become comfortable doing little projects! I have a list of things I am brainstorming....will see if they ever come to fruition :)

Thanks for reading along!
