Ah, remember those times before there was a pandemic?

We took these photos just a couple weeks ago before the chaos of having to worry about a global pandemic was looming over us. My friend, Brittany, asked me to take her maternity photos and I'm SO glad we got these done before the chaos began.

Brittany and Montana claimed they were "so awkward" in photos but I beg to differ! They are naturals! Seriously, they are on fire! I really love these shots that we got a local park. The lighting was just so nice right before sunset.

Brittany is due next month and I didn't let her off the hook without a few solo profile shots to capture her belly. We also got some super neat family shots with their dog, Koda, who is just so handsome! I really love the feel of this photo session, you can tell how sweet and kind Brittany and Montana are--there's no doubt they will be great parents!

I cannot imagine worrying about all things pregnancy on top of worrying about the unknowns with COVID-19. I wish all expecting couples some type of relief during this stressful time. Hang in there Brittany and Montana, you get to meet your sweet boy soon! Can't wait for our littles to meet and play some day :)
