I will say it every time--how?!!

How do we have a 2 year old?! I have loved, loved, loved witnessing Braylon's growth and development. He is such a curious, happy, and energetic kid. Being his mom is one of the best things that has ever happened to me, truly. I have learned a lot about myself over the past two years and I feel such a sense of pride and self fulfillment by hearing him say "Mommy." Here is a recap of what we have been up to the past few months :)

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Things he is loving:

He LOVES being outside. The weather here in North Carolina has been pretty nice this spring after a very wet and rainy winter. We did not get any snow here this winter so he hasn't gotten to experience sledding and all those fun things yet which is kind of sad. Now that it's nice out, he likes exploring at playgrounds and running around at different parks and trails. He loves the mulch, rocks, and sticks more than any of the actual playground equipment, go figure LOL.

He is still a big fan of airplanes, trucks, and superheroes. He loves to color and paint. He is turning more into a wild man with how much he loves to run, jump, and throw. He loves to sprint and launch himself into the couch. We will see how long we can go without stitches and broken bones...

Braylon's most played with items have been:

Things he is learning:

Braylon's imagination has been really growing over the past few months. He has his stuffed animals shoot hoops with him and feeds them play food when we play picnic. He has been curious about having "boo-boos" and needs band-aids for himself and his toys if they "get hurt." He still loves music and singing and dancing. He loves hide and seek and is at that stage where he thinks if he can't see you, then you can't see him which is so comical! Other things he is learning:

  • Counting--can make it to 16 by himself. Working on making it to twenty!
  • Recognizing letters and numbers.
  • Recognizing emotions and making corresponding faces for happy/sad/angry/surprised/cute.
  • Having small interactive conversations that actually are comprehendible to others (not just us).
  • How to safely cross the street.
  • Potty training!! We potty trained "early" starting around 20 months and it has been worth the effort!

Things we have to look forward to:

  • Big brother status!!
  • Transitioning to a toddler bed
  • Discipline and tantrums/managing emotions
  • Learning to ride on a scooter
  • Swimming
  • Hopefully some travel!!!

And that wraps up the 2 year old update! Looking forward to enjoying every moment with our little family :) Thanks for reading,
