Hello Baby Dalen!

Another boy was added to our friend group! Baby Dalen was born a little over a month ago, and we finally were able to get his newborn portraits done. Although he is technically out of the two week newborn window to be super moldable to get those cute posed portraits, I was still able to recreate the look and get some great shots. But I had a more "lifestyle" approach to this session in mind. You can read more about the difference between formal and lifestyle newborn portraits here. Either way, I love how the photos came out!

There are always memorable moments from each session for me. I particular enjoyed photographing all of the little details of baby Dalen's features like his eyes and feet. I also really enjoyed watching my friend Stacy soothe Dalen when he was getting fussy and he was almost immediately asleep when she had him on her shoulder. Those are just real moments that photograph so beautifully. You can see in Dad's eyes how proud he is of his little boy! And big sister, Saige, was just stealing the show in the best way :) :) I love how she is just loving all over baby Dalen!

Thanks again Stacy and Delon for having me over to photograph your latest addition. I am so thankful for your friendship and am excited to have all the kiddos get together to play soon!
