Meet my smallest client to date! Little baby Baker was born at the end of June, a mere 5 weeks early. She came in just at 5 pounds! When my friend, Jenny, asked me to take her daughter’s newborn photos, I of course said yes! It’s an honor and a privilege, honestly! We scheduled her newborn session when Baker was 10 days old. Isn't she beautiful?

We started out with shots of Baker all snuggled up. She wasn’t/isn’t a fan of being naked. And that’s okay, every baby is different. In my opinion it was best not to force naked photos and upset her when the swaddled ones were this dreamy.

As a premie, she had no trouble staying sleepy for the session. Jenny followed some of my tips I mention in my newborn prep post to really help ensure things went smoothly. Baker really was a perfect little angel the entire time. 

Then I got Jenny and her husband, Mike, in front of the camera for some family photos. I mean how cute are they?! For people who “don’t like taking photos,” they sure were naturals. 

It was so wonderful to take these photos for my sweet friend. Not only did we get some wonderful images from the session, we got to catch up which was good for the mind and soul! I’m so lucky we are going through this new motherhood thing together! 
