Meet Baby Audrey, another cutie to become a KBP client at a young age! Liz and John welcomed their sweet baby girl in August and I was ready and eager to take photos to commemorate her arrival!

I met Liz and John at their home when Audrey was 8 days old. Perfect timing for a newborn session to get some really adorable and posed shots. Audrey was very awake and curious at first but eventually tired out and we got some really adorable portraits. And the dynamic of this new family is just the cutest, their family photos are just so wholesome despite being in the newborn haze and adjusting to less sleep :)

I love love love newborn sessions. They require a lot of patience, but the resulting images are just pure gold. Liz and John, thank you so much for inviting me into your home to take these photos of your growing family. I am exited to watch Audrey grow up, she is precious!
