Like many moms, I had the experience of putting together a full registry for baby #1 and was showered with love and generosity by family and friends at my baby showers. So I have a lot of the basics and luckily most the items will be reused, especially since we are having another boy. But I knew there were a handful of things I needed to purchase a duplicate of or replace for baby #2. After doing some googling and talking to more experienced moms, I put together a list of the practical necessities that I have purchased for baby #2! If you are making the transition from 1 to 2 kiddos, I hope you find this helpful :)

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We love this night light/sound machine for Braylon so this was an easy one to purchase a duplicate of. We will use the features as a basic night light and sound machine for the baby phase. But I do love how you can program the light and sound to come on at certain times. We are teaching Braylon that sleep time is when the light is white and wake up time is when the light turns green. Awesome all in one device that seems to actually work!

We use the Infant Optics monitor and it has the option to add a second camera without having to get a second screen which is super nice. Didn't know that at the time we registered for baby #1 but it seems like it should be a nice perk for baby #2.

We bought a new crib from IKEA for baby #2. A very simple design complete with obscure installation directions and 10000 parts--if you've put together IKEA furniture then you know what I mean (thanks Dad for your help with this one LOL). We are keeping Braylon in his same room with his same crib because why ruin a good thing? Knock on wood, he sleeps well and he hasn't tried to climb out yet so we will just let him continue in the crib as long as he will stay contained in it. "They say" to avoid major changes for the older sibling around the same time you bring home a new baby, so we will see if we can avoid some of the inevitable meltdowns by keeping some things "normal" for him. I also bought the same mattress for the baby that we have for Braylon, because again, I'm not jinxing anything. I like this mattress because if flips from newborn to toddler when the time comes.

Next up, a humidifier. Doesn't really need an explanation, just necessary in my opinion for skin and congestion.

Something new I am trying with this baby is an electronic nasal suction bulb. I do like the manual bulb that the hospital sends you home with. But I loved the Nose Frida. I just was alwayyyyys getting sick when Braylon was sick while using it and my medical mind is like ummmm duh, I'm essentially snorting viral particles. But it worked so well! I decided I will give the electronic version a try with this baby and see if it's any good. Fingers crossed.

This is an underdog pick, but car seat protectors for your cars are a MUST. Trust me on this one. We recently cleaned out the cars and the amount of food debris on these covers was unreal. Lots of crumbs of course but also sludges of dried applesauce pouches and sticky clumps of half chewed on raisins. I just removed the protector and threw it in the wash and it came out good as new. AND the actual seat in the car took no beating whatsoever. If you care about your car at all, this is such a good buy.

I scored a double stroller on Facebook Marketplace which was a huge win. I have been a big fan of the single stroller version of so getting a double was a no brainer for me--I walk every evening with Braylon and Zola and hope to continue that when baby #2 arrives, so to me, this is a necessary purchase.

I know how the stories go with baby #2 and tracking their milestones...but I'm going to be optimistic and say I will keep up with it. I love these baby books to track milestones from Artifact Uprising. Fingers crossed it doesn't just collect dust LOL.

The Kiinde pumping and storage system was a game changer in my first breastfeeding journey. I'm not one of those people who adore breastfeeding and certainly not pumping, but the Kiinde system kept me semi-sane throughout the process. So for baby #2, I purchased new pump parts and sterilized them along with bottle tops. The beauty of the Kiinde system is that there. are. no. bottles. You pump directly into the bags--which go directly to the freezer--which go straight into hot water/warmer to defrost. Then you snap them into the case and pop on the top and your baby is ready to eat. I'm telling you, if you are a pumping mom, the Kiinde system is such a good way to simplify the taxing job of breastfeeding.

I think those are all the things I have purchased specifically for baby #2. Otherwise we will be living the glorious hand-me-down life. I have purchased nearly zero clothes or toys for baby #2. Will have to find other ways to spoil him :)

Hope this helps anyone navigating the transition from 1 to 2 kiddos! Thanks for reading :)
