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Allergy Update

It's been nearly 1.5 years since we have learned about Braylon's food allergies. We have had some small reactions over the past year, but for the most part we are in a good groove. I was hoping that since he hasn't had many problems the past few months that his yearly check up with the allergist would provide better news, but unfortunately nearly all of his levels are trending UP. That's right, his IgE numbers are increasing--meaning all of his allergens still need to be strictly avoided and we should have his EpiPens on hand at all times. DARN IT. But his doctor says there is still time to outgrow some of it. We will see.

I thought it would be helpful for myself and other parents navigating allergies to provide a list of foods and snacks that Braylon likes and can safely eat. If I have learned anything from this it is that allergy moms will do their research!! Every label is scrutinized before being purchased and double checked again before I even think about giving it to Braylon. I give it to him a few days in a row well before naptime and bedtime to allow an observation period before deeming it "safe" to add to the regular grocery list.

Grocery shopping for a kid with food allergies isn't simple. I rotate among a few grocery stores and like to stock up to have monthly supply of everything so I'm not constantly running to the store when we inevitably run out of something that a toddler NEEDS RIGHT THIS SECOND. So here is a breakdown, by grocery store, of things I have found to be helpful for my peanut-tree nut-seed-milk-egg-wheat allergic child. He can eat all fruits/veggies/meat so those things aren't included; this list is more of the unique/convenience items that I have come across that work for him. Thankfully, as common as food allergies are these days, there are SO many options at the grocery stores now. As a reference, I've linked to most of the items that aren't self explanatory. Hope this helps someone else!

Traditional Grocery Store (Harris Teeter/Publix/Target/Walmart)

Trader Joe’s:

  • GF pretzels
  • Sweet potato chips
  • Fruit leather
  • Freeze dried fruit (blueberries/strawberries/apples)
  • Puffins cereal
  • GF waffles
  • Frozen hashbrowns
  • Frozen tater tots
  • Frozen french fries





I put together this list by spending loads of time reading labels at grocery stores, googling, and talking to other allergy parents. Chances are you know of a family who has a child with an allergy, so if this list helps just one other family then I call it a success! I know writing this down is helpful to me because let's face it, I will always be a list person. And if by chance our second child follows the same suit, I will have this to refer to when I am overwhelmed thinking how on earth am I going to feed a child who can't seem to have anything!

Thanks for reading and sharing,
