The Fall is a B U S Y time of year for photographers.

I did not advertise any dates for Fall mini sessions this year because, frankly, I didn't want to become too overwhelmed with delivering those on top of my regular responsibilities. This year has been a busy one for me and I have learned a lot about setting boundaries both personally and professionally. Photography is a fun outlet for me and I have thought a lot about how to carve out time to dedicate to portrait sessions and editing galleries so I can still pursue this passion. I have learned some tricks along the way that I think will be helpful going forward as I navigate having this little side gig. My family life will always be #1, my professional life will always be #2, and photography life will always be #3.

This year I've decided I'm no longer shooting sessions on the weekend. This may change in the future, but for now, this is what works best for me. This means my weekends are MY weekends. Time with my family and time with my kids. Time to travel if I want without worrying about rescheduling a client's session. This new "policy" has worked well for me to fit in a session or two in the evenings after work in the spring and summer. But it also became impossible in November when it started to get dark by 5pm. So I'm making a mental note now that I need to plan to have most sessions completed by the time change next year.

It feels good to set a boundary and hold it for myself. A true passion should be fun, and I think this will help to make sure I don't get stretched to thin in any aspects of my life. Clients have been pretty receptive to this method of scheduling and have been flexible with finding times or waiting a few weeks until I had availability.

With that being said, without advertising or posting on socials **humble brag**, I still had handful of families reach to do Fall sessions. This is a huge compliment to me and speaks volumes about the experience and images I deliver. I had an equal split of repeat clients and new clients which is neat! The best part is even with setting boundaries for myself, we found times that worked well to get in some Fall sessions for sharing online or with cards for the Holidays.

A huge thank you to the families that reached out to work with me again this year for Fall sessions over the past couple of months, I am so grateful for you!

  • The Hall Family
  • The Petrill Family
  • The White Family
  • The Bass Family
  • The Thomas Family
  • The Trull Family
  • The Brewer Family
  • The Moore Family
  • The Cox Family

Check out my Instagram to see some of my favorite images, I've been trying to post my favorites there to keep myself accountable and showcase my work :)
