March Madness!

March is an exciting month for our family! It was my husband's birthday, then our anniversary, then our boys have birthdays that are 1 day apart! So we had a fun month. We celebrated the boys' birthdays at a indoor playground with some friends and family which was a great time. The kids all had a blast and the adults were very entertained by their antics. I brought in outside food and dessert--still dealing with food allergies--and it was a success. Plus there was no clean up at our own house which was a huge perk :)

Jordy is ONE

Jordy is getting full of personality! He is giggly and smiley and starting to talk more and more. His first word was dada, followed by mama, then dog dog. He loves to eat and loves to sleep, can you blame him?! He started to walk a few weeks before his birthday and is much more physically adventurous compared to Braylon at this age. He is climbing and getting into everything. And WRESTLING. Oh my goodness!! People told me life with 2 boys would be full of wrestling and ER visits, but I had no idea the wrestling started this early. And Jordy is the instigator!! He goes up to Braylon and pulls on his shirt or just tries to tackle him and it leads to them rolling on the floor giggling until someone is too rough and then it's over LOL. But I can see the bond these two already have, Braylon continues to be a great helper and seems to enjoy his "Jordy Brother."

Braylon is THREE

Braylon seems to be a super smart and inquisitive kid. Lots of questions and lots of talking, I don't know where he gets that from :) He loves to play outside and ride his balance bike. We got him one that coverts to a real pedal bike for his birthday so that will hopefully last him a while! We have been doing a lot more "fun" things like going to museums and events in town. I try to plan for 1 fun "activity" to do every weekend. I think it has been really helpful to get him to understand rules and, frankly, how to act in public. Plus it feeds his curiosity and helps him understand there are more places to go other than daycare, the grocery store, and the doctor! Pandemic kids have been sheltered so teaching him regular life skills, using manners, and following rules has been necessary.

As I look back...

...this past year has been HARD. I have to admit that I don't know how I've done it sometimes. Babies are of course a lot of work. But toddlers are a whole other kind of WORK. I commend all of the other moms who have done this before me. You don't know until you know :) I am so thankful for my support system and this space to share my thoughts and experiences. These boys have my heart and I am so thankful for them everyday! Looking forward to soaking it all in and making lots of memories--the good, the bad, and the ugly!

Thanks for reading,
